A sewage treatment plant at Jahajgarh with 20 MLD capacity is likely to be operational soon in new sectors as Gurgaon Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has completed its construction. Officials said they were currently conducting trials at the treatment plant, which will process waste generated from new sectors like 103 and 106. In 2019, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) directed that untreated waste should not be discharged into stormwater drains.
Initially, MCG had planned to construct a 10 MLD STP at Jahajgarh in compliance with the action plan submitted to NGT. However, the plan was revised, and GMDA took up the project of constructing a 20 MLD STP to treat sewage generated in Jahajgarh village and adjoining areas.
GMDA had allotted the work for construction of a 20 MLD STP in August 2020, with an initial deadline of 18 months to address the issue of discharge of untreated sewage into leg-2 of the master stormwater drain. However, the project missed its deadline due to various reasons like Covid-19 induced lockdown and an annual construction ban due to air pollution.
Source: https://timesofinida.indiatimes.com