
One in Two Unbranded Jars of Water Tested in Kolkata Unsafe

WD NEWS: Almost half the water in unbranded 20-litre plastic jars, taken from around the city, have coliform bacteria, rendering them unfit for human consumption, according to a crowd-sourced study conducted with the help of an NGO, in association with a private university.

For the study, conducted by Climate Thinker, which works in the fields of climate change and sustainable development and Adamas University, 341 jars were tested. Of those, 150 had the bacteria.
Around 300 citizens in Kolkata were mobilised and trained in water collection, and 570 samples of water were collected, covering nearly every locality in the city. Of these, 341 samples were from unbranded 20-litre jars. The acceptable level of coliform bacteria in a 100ml sample is zero. The 150 samples of unbranded 20-litre jars that were found unfit for drinking had between 60 and 200 bacteria per 100ml samples.

Arindam Roy, a scientist with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and a co-founder of Climate Thinker, told TOI that sample collecting points had been created throughout the city. Collections were taken to an analysis hub, where each sample underwent a standard coliform test and for total dissolved s lids (TDS) and pH.

“Free drinking water supplied by the civic bodies was found much safer, compared to 20-litre packaged water had coliform bacteria. We did a comparative analysis with various developing countries and found that such high occurrence was not reported in any city across the world,” he added.

Source: The Times of India
Image courtesy: Adobe Stock


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