
Spring Collaborates with Microsoft and Impact X on Water Innovation

Spring is collaborating with Microsoft and Impact X on a new initiative to make tools and funding available for start-ups to accelerate their companies.

WD News: The water sector’s innovation centre of excellence – Spring – is collaborating with Microsoft and Impact X on a new initiative to make tools and funding available for start-ups to accelerate their companies.

The Impact X-Venture Studio has been launched by Microsoft and Impact X, a venture capital firm founded to support underrepresented entrepreneurs across Europe. Sustainability is a key focus, which is why the initiative is teaming up with Spring, whose mission is to accelerate transformation across the water industry.

Carly Perry, Managing Director, Spring, said: “We hope that the Impact X-Venture Studio in partnership with Microsoft illustrates the water companies’ commitment to engaging and supporting start-up innovators and will drive increased representation of start-up innovations into the sector.”

Eric Collins, Chief Executive, of Impact X, said: “Partnering with Microsoft to address this area of opportunity brings together one of the great tech companies with Impact X’s innovator sourcing talent.”

Jimmy Cockerton, Innovation and Start-ups Lead, Microsoft UK, said: “I’m excited to see how we can rapidly innovate with our enterprise customers whilst accelerating start-up growth through revenue creation.”

Musidora Jorgensen, Chief Sustainability Officer, at Microsoft, said: “Through industry partnerships, we can provide both opportunities for underrepresented entrepreneurs and tackle critical sustainability challenges around water availability and security head-on.”

Microsoft is looking for the first entrepreneurs and start-ups to kickstart these industry challenges.

Source image courtesy: Spring Innovation

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