New Delhi: Over 15 crore water connections have been provided in various parts of the country under the Har Ghar Jal scheme, Union Jal Shakti Minister C. R. Patil said on Thursday. Patil said in the Lok Sabha during the Question Hour that the scheme is being implemented in view of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s aim to provide potable water to every citizen of the country. “Under the Har Ghar Jal scheme, so far 15 crore connections have been given,” he said.
The central government is implementing the Har Ghar Jal scheme under the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in partnership with state governments to make provision of tap water supply to every rural household in the country. According to government data, at the time of announcement of Jal Jeevan Mission in August 2019, a total of 3.23 crore (17 per cent) rural households were reported to have tap water connections. Since then, tap water connections have been provided to many rural households.
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