WD News: Abengoa, in consortium with the engineering and construction company SEPCOIII, has started producing water at phase-II two of the Taweelah (UAE) desalination plant for ACWA Power, TAQA y Mubadala.
This stage, which is known as the first permeate, is part of the operational tests included in the plant’s commissioning phase. The project is located at the Taweelah power and water generation complex, 45 km north of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).
Coinciding with the completion of this stage in the development of this desalination plant, a representation of the UAE Department of Energy visited the plant.
Once the plant’s phase-II commissioning is completed, the next step will be the start of commercial operation of phase-II, scheduled for December 2022.
Once completed, the plant will desalinate 909,218 m 3 /day (phase-I + phase-II) once completed. Thus, Taweelah desalination plant will guarantee supply to the city of Abu Dhabi (approx. 4.5 million people) for an entire year and will be the first large-scale desalination plant in the emirate to combine the production of drinking water with generation of clean energy, with the installation of a photovoltaic solar field with a capacity of more than 70 MWp.
Once in commercial operation, the desalination plant’s energy demand will be reduced in a sustainable manner. Abengoa’s scope of work at the Taweelah plant includes the design, engineering, supply of main equipment, supervision of assembly, commissioning, start-up of the reverse osmosis and post-treatment systems and advice on pre-treatment processes carried out by third parties. As per company officials, the desalination plant meets each one of the drinking water parameters required by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including hardness, alkalinity, LSI (Langelier Saturation Index), SDI (Siltz density Index), pH and Boron content.
Source and Image Courtesy: Abengoa