
Singanallur STP to be Commissioned by June

The civic body proposes to complete the works in respect of the Singanallur sewage treatment plant (STP) by June.

It may be recalled that sewage was polluting the Singanallur tank and the corporation’s several lakhs worth boating project was shelved because of the pollutants in the water body. Above all, water hyacinth also posed a major problem. TheSinganallur tank is fed by the Noyyal and Sanganur canals and both are extremely polluted. From Noyyal, the water flows through the canal and reaches Sulur tank.

To tide over this, the corporation started constructing a sewage treatment plant along the Tiruchi Road in Singanallurlast June and with 95% of the work over, only the machinery that is procured from Bengaluru needs to fixed. Once that is done, the STP can treat two million litres of water per day.

Corporation sources said that the machinery fitting exercise had commenced and the plant is expected to be commissioned in June.


Image Credit: Siva SaravananS

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