The municipal commissioner and administrator Vikram Kumar recently presented a budget with a sharp focus on water supply projects.
WD News: For decades, when Pune was still a small city, citizens never had to worry about water supply or its quality.
Now that the city has expanded to include 34 fringe villages, acute shortage, inadequate supply, poor quality and disruptions are affecting the quality of life from the core Peth areas to the merged localities.
The municipal commissioner allocated Rs 1,300 crore in the budget and said the projects will be taken up on priority this year for the old city areas and the fringes.
The civic administration will look at completion of a 24X7 equitable water supply project. So far, 55% of the work has been done.
Mr. Kumar said, “The administration is working on three fronts-construction of overhead tanks for water storage, laying distribution and transmission lines, and installation of water meters. The works are divided into 141 zones. Over 40 tanks are ready while the administration has installed over 1.2 lakh water meters.”
The administration will issue work orders worth Rs. 400 crores in the next few months, he added.
Source: Times of India
Image courtesy: The Indian Express